Mrs. Linda Flieller » Posts


Checking in:)

I am so proud of so many of you for the work you are doing at home during this new time of distance learning. I see that some of you are working late into the night, probably either because you are a night owl or that's when you have access to a device. I want you to know that I too am working at all hours, and I will answer your questions as soon as I can and as timely as I can.I will not have set hours because I know this is a new experience for all of us, and questions may come at any time, but I will not reply to emails or questions late in the evening or very early in the morning to limit the dings on your phones and devices when others may be resting:)  I appreciate hearing from you, and I hope you are all doing well.


Please look at the codes for joining Remind for each of the classes I teach. Some students will need more than one link because I have them in more than one class. I will use remind to notify when I have posted new assignments or if we will have a test and how best to prepare. Thank you for your help and support. I miss seeing my kiddos:( Stay safe.