Health Services

Poth ISD Health Services supports the education of all students by working with families and health care providers to meet the needs of students and staff.
 Clinic News:

**Please also take a look at my forms page. If your child has any type of allergy, asthma, diabetes, seizures or needs any over the counter medication or prescription medication for next year, this page has each form on them. These forms will need to be signed by a doctor. You will have all summer to get them signed. Once you get them signed please feel free to fax them to me, my number is at the bottom of the page.**

 Questions or Comments
Please feel free to contact me
Kayleigh Zidek, BSN, RN                                     Erica Faught, RRT
District Nurse                                                        Health Assistant
Phone: 830-484-2700                                           830-484-0193
Fax: 830-484-2961                                               [email protected] 
[email protected]