Student Instructional Support Services » Dyslexia Identification and Programming

Dyslexia Identification and Programming

Referral and Evaluation for Dyslexia:

  • Texas state law (TEC §38.003) requires that public school students be screened and tested as appropriate for dyslexia and related disorders at appropriate times in accordance with a program approved by the SBOE. The program approved by the SBOE must include screening for each student at the end of the kindergarten year and then again during first grade.
  • A referral by a parent or district professional concerning a child suspected of having dyslexia begins with the campus instructional staff and campus administrator. 
  • If there is a suspicion of dyslexia, a request for parental consent for a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) under IDEA will be made. 
  • If the parent does not give consent for evaluation under IDEA, evaluation may be completed under Section 504. 
  • Students eligible for services may be considered under IDEA or Section 504 for direct instruction and/or accommodations.


Dyslexia Intervention:


  • Students identified with dyslexia may be served through either IDEA/Special Education or Section 504 supports. The ARD or 504 committee will determine the appropriate placement and services to support the student's needs. 
  • Intervention may look like direct instruction, using a research-based program, for an individually determined amount of time. The committee addressing the student’s needs determines the frequency and duration of services.
  • Intervention may include reasonable accommodations in the classroom during instruction, practice, and assessment. Identified accommodations address the unique needs of the students. Documented in the plan developed for the student, the implementation of accommodations by the student’s teachers occurs in the instructional environment.

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