
College Entrance Testing Information - PHS school code 445655

TSI Testing Information: http://www.accuplacer.org
Contact Mrs. Dziuk to schedule an exam. 
Click the link below to complete the Pre-Assessment Activity prior to TSI Testing.  Turn your certificate into Mrs. Dziuk before your test date.
SAT School Day for Juniors will be coming in April!

SAT Testing register at: http://www.collegeboard.org/

ACT Testing register at: http://www.actstudent.org/

PSAT - Coming October

The PSAT is the best preparation the SAT and a "benchmark" for college readiness. Students who take the test in 11th grade and meet other program entry requirements may enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation programs.

ASVAB- Juniors and Seniors will have the opportunity to take this test at PHS in October.

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program can help students take steps now toward finding a career that's right for them. The program includes test and activities that help students identify their interests and provide information about verbal, math, science, and technical skills. It can also help them find out how their interests and skills relate to the demands of more than 400 occupations and start making their educational and career plans.